The New Moon on 11th February 2021 - The mental shift from known to unknown

Feb 11, 2021
1 min read
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Today’s New Moon will trigger a change in your belief system, your habits, and behavior. You worked hard, learning a lot about yourself, your relationships, have great ideas about future projects, and set certain expectations about them. Now is the time, you put your assumptions aside and open your mind. Lovingly accept the universe’s wisdom, as it will give you the solution you didn’t even think about or you didn’t think was possible. If you look at important things in your life through “neutral glasses” you might get positively surprised.

My advice to you for the next 2 weeks is to not get too attached to how you accomplish things, what you want at the end, or how you react to certain situations. Just relax, trust, calmly watch what is happening and free your mind from already known. Your hard work will be awarded in ways you can’t imagine is possible. The peak will be on a Full Moon on 27th February, when unexpected solutions will unveil.